Dear friends, partners and clients of IMO,
in 2025 we will celebrate our 20th IMO birthday. Thanks to our clients, IMO has grown into an international development community and institute in 11 countries: Brazil, China, Israel, Italy, Germany, Finland, the Netherlands, Romania, Russia, Switzerland and Spain. We are very grateful that this could happen.
Together with you we shape human development and the development of organizations out of the connection to their impulse and together with the organized community we are working in. We enable people to do the good in real situations and in doing so, we feel deeply connected to the impulses of Bernard Lievegoed and his colleagues, the founders of our parent institute NPI. We believe that it is especially important today to respect the individuality of each person and to see companies as a learning field for modern community building, where we work together to do the good for the other.
We would be very happy if we could celebrate our 20th birthday together with you.
In week 18 of 2025 the IMO colleagues have their yearly common development week.
In this week from the evening dinner on April 30 to the lunch on May 2 in Kaap Doorn in the Netherlands, we invite you very warmly to participate in our meeting. Please save the date. We look forward seeing you in Kaap Doorn.

For your registration please use this link as soon as possible:

For further questions please contact Adriaan Bekman:

Best regards on behalf of all colleagues,
Adriaan Bekman, Jutta Hodapp, Hilmar Dahlem
IMO Foundation

The program is designed in IMO-style. This means, we will work together in a horizontal dialogical way with many guests and colleagues, who will contribute.

Wednesday, April 30th 2025
19.30: Dinner with contributions

Thursday, May 1st 2025
09.00: Welcome to guests
09.30: Introduction 20 years IMO
10.30: Coffee
11.00: Workshops
12.30: Lunch
14.00: Musical performance presentation
15.30: Tea
16.00: Workshops
17.30: Biographical dialogues in Trio’s (2 colleagues, 1 guest)
18.30: Break
19.00: Dinner with speeches of guests

Friday, May 2nd 2025
09.00: Fruits of the night
09.30: The next 20 years of IMO
10.30: Coffee
11.00: Workshops
12.30: Rounding off
13.00: Lunch
14.30: Informal meetings