Erica Rizziato’s book ‘Towards a humanism for organisations: Horizontal leadership and counsciousness’ has just been published in english language by CNR edizioni (National Research Council publisher). The book proposes the Methodology for Horizontal Leadership and Integrated Organisations (HOLIO), which is the result of 17 years of action research developed first with the NPI Foundation, then with the IMO Foundation and other research partners, at the National Research Council in Italy.

As part of the IMO Foundation board Erica was responsible for the mandate to deepen and renew the scientific aspects of the methodology used in IMO and the book is also intended to be a contribution in this sense for colleagues of the IMO Foundation. The text had already been published in Italy in 2020, by Francoangeli edition, AIF (National Trainer Association) series, with the title ‘Towards a humanism of organisational life: generating development in complexity with horizontal leadership’. The English version now is updated and enriched with new contributions, and is presented by quantum physicist Federico Faggin and Filippo Abramo, former president of the European HR association. In Italy HOLIO methodology, which is considered very innovative, has given rise to a CNR spin-off company called IMO, which is a member of the IMO Foundation and maintains its founding principles.

Downloadable in open access, it will be available in print from February 2025.